
Recent News

Jun 4
HABits Lab Alum Shibo Zhang wins MDPI Sensors Best Paper Award

Awarded Paper: Deep learning in human activity recognition with wearable sensors: A review on advances

Oct 10
Dr. Alshurafa presents on SmokeMon at UbiComp/ISWC 2023

Human Sensing: Health & Behavior session of Ubicomp '23

Sep 22
HABits Lab Student Glenn Fernandes Passes Qualifying Exam

Glenn Presents his Work on Mobile Health and Explainable AI

Sep 22
Drs. Alshurafa & Jacobs' Prenatal Stress Work Profiled by CASMI

Patient-Focused AI System Seeks to Reduce Stress during Pregnancy

Aug 15
HABits Lab postdoc Mahdi Pedram accepts faculty position at Depaul University

Mahdi will join Depaul's School of Computing as an Assistant Professor

Jun 9
Glenn Fernandes' paper on explainable AI accepted by JMIR

An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Software Tool for Weight Management Experts (PRIMO): Mixed Methods Study

May 1
HABits Lab partners with Palbud Inc. on autism wearable project

HABits Lab will work with Palbud to pursue SBIR Phase 2 funding

Apr 9
Glenn Fernandes' paper on cartoonized life-vlogging accepted by ACM SIGCHI

Is cartoonized life-vlogging the key to increasing adoption of activity-oriented wearable camera systems?

Feb 21
Dr. Alshurafa interviewed by FOX 32 Chicago on SmokeMon

New 'necklace' could help cigarette smokers quit

Feb 14
Dr. Alshurafa interviewed by WGN9 Chicago on SmokeMon

Medical Watch: Data-tracking necklace helps smokers kick habit

Feb 14
Digital Trends publishes article discussing SmokeMon technology

Wearing this smart necklace could help you stop smoking forever

Jan 1
Experience paper accepted at Case Studies of HCI in Practice (CHI23)

Experience: Barriers and Opportunities of Wearables for Eating Research

Nov 15
HABits Lab student Rawan Alharbi accepts position at Apple Inc.

Rawan successfully defended her dissertation earlier this year

Nov 1
Soroush and Rawan's paper got accepted at ACM IMWUT 2022

SmokeMon: Unobtrusive Extraction of Smoking Topography Using Wearable Energy-Efficient Thermal

Oct 15
HABits Lab student Shibo Zhang accepts position at Hewlett Packard

Shibo successfully defended his dissertation earlier this year

Sep 28
Soroush's paper got accepted at IEEE BHI-BSN 2022

SmartAct: Energy Efficient and Real-Time Hand-to-Mouth Gesture Detection Using Wearable RGB-T

Aug 2
Boyang's paper got accepted at JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022

Predicting the Next-Day Perceived and Physiological Stress of Pregnant Women by Using Machine Learning and Explainability: Algorithm Development and Validation

Aug 1
Dr. Alshurafa receives NIH R01 Award from NIDDK

EAT: A Reliable Eating Assessment Technology for Free-living Individuals.

Apr 1
Dr. Alshurafa receives NIH R03 Award from NIDDK

WildCam: A Privacy Conscious Wearable Eating Detection Camera People will Actually Wear in the Wil

Oct 7
Ubicomp Best Poster Award (Won By Landslide) for our paper VibroScale

VibroScale: Turning your smartphone into a weighing scale

Oct 6
Dr. Alshurafa receives NIH R21 Award from NIBIB

BehaviorSight: Privacy enhancing wearable system to detect health risk behaviors in real-time

Oct 5
Ubicomp Best Presentation Award (Runner-Up) for our paper NeckSense

NeckSense: A Multi-Sensor Necklace for Detecting Eating Activities in Free-Living Conditions

Sep 8
Paper Accepted at ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp) 2019

To Mask or Not to Mask? Balancing Privacy with Visual Confirmation Utility in Activity-Oriented Wearable Cameras

Sep 3
Paper Accepted at ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp) 2019

Micro-Stress EMA: A Passive Sensing Framework for Detecting in-the-wild Stress in Pregnant Mothers

Jun 3
Dr. Alshurafa receives NSF EAGER Award

EAGER: SaTC: Early-Stage Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Privacy Enhancing Framework to Advance Behavior Models

Sep 8
Paper Accepted at ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp) 2018

Is More Always Better?: Discovering Incentivized mHealth Intervention Engagement Related to Health Behavior

Jul 8
Paper Accepted at ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp) 2018

I Can't Be Myself: Effects ofWearable Cameras on the Capture of Authentic Behavior in the Wild

Software & Projects

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